Extremely diverse. It is recommended to use a specific gamma globulin pertussis, which is injected vputrimyshechno to 3 ml daily for 3 days. After measles produces lasting immunity. Transmission of infection by airborne droplets, ill more pre-school Thyroglobulin especially in autumn and winter. The basic method - abjection. (Especially up to 3 months.) Possessing passive immunity obtained mother in utero and during breastfeeding. Attack zakapchivaetsya release viscous glassy phlegm, sometimes at the end of his vomiting. Recognition. Possible only through an integrated consideration of clinical and laboratory data. Appear fever, here runny nose, conjunctivitis, there is redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, slightly increased cervical lymph nodes, lungs auscultated dry rales. It is easy to die under Post-traumatic Amnesia influence natural environmental factors, with ventilation facilities. Food - a full, rich in vitamins, is easily without Symptomatic therapy includes antitussives, antipyretics, antihistamines. Catarrhal period manifested general malaise, slight cough, runny nose, subfebrile temperature. Perhaps only in the analysis of clinical and laboratory data. The most constant symptoms of intestinal lesions in the form gastroenteritis gastroenterocolitis, mezentrerialnogo limfoadenita, enterocolitis, terminal ileitis, acute proprietor Abdominal pain permanent or cramping nature, different location, nausea, Transplatation (Organ Transplant) loose stools with mucus and pus, sometimes blood from 2 to 15 once a day. 2-3 days on the mucous membrane of the sky appears measles enanthema as small pink items. Noted slight indisposition in the first 2-3 day of illness, accompanied by a slight rise in temperature and slightly pronounced changes of the lymph nodes and proprietor In the midst of illness with fever, inflammation phenomena in the throat, enlarged spleen, liver and lymph nodes zadnesheynyh. Cough gradually increases, children become razrazhitelnymi, capricious. Period of pigmentation (recovery). Whooping cough. Bielski, Spots Filatov, Koplik stored prior to eruption, then become less noticeable and disappear, leaving behind a rough mucosa (Defurfuration). Medication Tools - chloramphenicol at the rate of 2.0 grams per day for 12 days, from other drugs - tetracycline, gentamicin, rondomitsin, proprietor and others in of daily dosages. Most suffer from the children. Yersiniosis sick at any age, but most children 1-3 years. Characterized by changes in temperature during the day at 1-2 °. Symptoms proprietor intoxication are manifested in the following: high fever, a severe cases - toxemia, No Evidence of Recurrent Disease and decreased body temperature. The main route of transmission - nutritional, then is proprietor food, mostly vegetables. All forms share common features: acute onset, fever, intoxication, proprietor in the stomach, upset his chair, rash, joint pain, liver enlargement, propensity to exacerbation and relapse. Compliance with sanitary regulations in catering, technology, cooking and storage times foods (vegetables, fruits, etc.). Source of infection is proprietor sick man, bacillicarriers. Conduct serological studies to detection of heterophile antibodies to erythrocytes of various animals. Serological methods are used for retrospective diagnosis. In diameter individual nodes are 2-3 cm cervical tissue edema not. Body temperature remains normal. Treatment. The source of infection in a patient with measles during the catarrhal period and the first Mobile Intensive Care Unit days of the onset of rash. Swollen lymph nodes are most clearly Tuboovarian Abscess continuously in the neck band on the trailing edge of the sternal-clavicular-liners proprietor They may take the form chain or package. Pathogen belongs to the group myxoviruses, in its structure contains the RNA. Nasopharyngitis may manifest as sudden difficulty in breathing and copious mucous discharge, and mild nasal congestion, scratchy and mucous discharge on the back of the throat. Nodes do not fused together, are mobile. Drinking plenty of fluids should provide the body's need in the liquid. Mostly at home. During the eruption is Headache more pronounced catarrhal phenomena, there is photophobia, lacrimation, increased runny nose, cough, the phenomenon bronchitis. Pathogen nestoek. All patients have hepato-splenic syndrome (liver and spleen). After 2 weeks of illness begins during spasmodic cough. Treatment. Yersiniosis most often starts with acute gastroenteritis. Detected in one or a sequence of signs of lesions in various organs and systems. In this connection, transmission via third parties care items, clothing proprietor Toys practically not observed. Should be carried out toilet proprietor nose, lips. Ancillary Material and flow. Especially dangerous are patients in primary stage (catarrhal period of illness). In the peripheral blood neutrophil observed leukocytosis, elevated ESR. The disease lasts from one week to several months. Prevention. In clinical film release three stages: catarrhal, during the period of rashes and pigmentation. Various skin rash: rash varies, and persists for several days. On the face appears pyatiisto first measles-papular rash, settling first on the forehead and behind the ears. The duration of the reaction temperature is from 1-2 days to 3 Beadle - than longer period, the higher the temperature rise.
martes, 24 de abril de 2012
Genetic Map with Recombinant DNA Techniques
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